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Principle of peristaltic pump speed regulation

Release date:May 09, 2023 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
A peristaltic pump is a pump that delivers fluid through a compressed hose or pipe, also known as a "peristaltic tube pump" or "pendulum pump". Peristaltic pump has high flexibility in flow and pressure, so it is widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food, medical and other fields.
A peristaltic pump is a pump that delivers fluid through a compressed hose or pipe, also known as a "peristaltic tube pump" or "pendulum pump". Peristaltic pump has high flexibility in flow and pressure, so it is widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical, food, medical and other fields.

The principle of speed regulation of peristaltic pump is to control the motor speed, change the pump throughput and pressure, so as to achieve speed regulation. Specifically, the motor of peristaltic pump usually uses DC motor or stepper motor to control the running speed of the pump by controlling the speed of the motor. In the motor control system, the general use of digital controller or PLC(programmable logic controller) to achieve automatic control.

The advantages of peristaltic pump speed control include: high reliability, large speed range, stable flow, high accuracy, low noise. Therefore, peristaltic pump speed regulation technology has been widely used in various industrial applications. At the same time, the peristaltic pump speed regulation technology is also constantly improved and perfected, such as the adoption of frequency converter, servo motor and other new technologies, in order to improve the accuracy and reliability of speed regulation. 

In short, the application of peristaltic pump governing principle for industrial production provides an efficient, stable and reliable way to transport fluid, has a broad application prospect.

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