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How to choose peristaltic pump correctly

Release date:Feb 19, 2024 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pumps are popular because of their precise flow regulation and pumping performance. Whether in environmental protection, medical, chemical, beverage or food industries, peristaltic pumps play an important role.
Peristaltic pumps are popular because of their precise flow regulation and pumping performance. Whether in environmental protection, medical, chemical, beverage or food industries, peristaltic pumps play an important role. Since there are many types of peristaltic pumps on the market, it is not easy to choose a peristaltic pump that meets the requirements. Therefore, when purchasing peristaltic pumps, what aspects should be paid attention to? This article will provide you with a comprehensive shopping guide.

1. Traffic

The flow rate of peristaltic pump is the first indicator that needs to be paid attention to when purchasing. When purchasing a peristaltic pump, you must first clarify the flow range you need. Then, compare different peristaltic pumps to find the one that best fits the flow range you need. In general, the flow rate of peristaltic pumps ranges from a few milliliters to several hundred liters.

2. Stress

The pressure of the peristaltic pump refers to the maximum back pressure required to pump the material. After determining the required pressure, it is necessary to check whether the peristaltic pump can meet the demand. In general, the pressure range of peristaltic pumps is from 0 to 16 bar.

3. Pump head material

Pump head material is an indicator that is often overlooked, but it is important. Different pump head materials are suitable for different liquid environments. For example, the pump head made of neoprene is suitable for the pumping of corrosive liquids such as strong acids and alkali, while the pump head made of silicone rubber is suitable for the pumping of high-temperature liquids. When choosing a peristaltic pump, the appropriate pump head material should be selected according to the required pumping liquid.

4. Pressure sensor

Pressure sensor is one of the important components in peristaltic pump. It can monitor pressure changes and ensure safe operation of the pump. When purchasing peristaltic pumps, be sure to pay attention to the choice of products with pressure sensors. If you need to monitor the operation of the pump, you can also choose a digital pressure sensor.

5. Control mode

The control methods of peristaltic pump are usually manual and automatic. The manual control method is suitable for small range of flow and frequent adjustment of pump flow conditions. The automatic control method is suitable for situations where a large amount of pumping is required. When purchasing peristaltic pumps, the control mode should be selected according to the required pumping volume and the environment.

6. Liquid properties

The nature of the liquid is an important factor to consider when purchasing a peristaltic pump. Different liquids have different flow characteristics, which affect the outlet flow and pressure of the pump. For example, when dealing with high viscosity liquids, a pump with high viscosity tolerance needs to be selected.

In general, when purchasing peristaltic pumps, we should consider all aspects according to our own needs and use of the environment to find the most suitable for our products. Only in this way can production efficiency and product quality be guaranteed.
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