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How to choose the right laboratory peristaltic pump

Release date:Jan 12, 2024 Source:PreFluid Pageviews:-
Peristaltic pump common applications are industrial, medical industry, wastewater treatment industry, etc., and laboratory peristaltic pump is different from these industries, requiring clean, low shear force, good sealing and other characteristics. So, how to choose the laboratory peristaltic pump?
Peristaltic pump common applications are industrial, medical industry, wastewater treatment industry, etc., and laboratory peristaltic pump is different from these industries, requiring clean, low shear force, good sealing and other characteristics. So, how to choose the laboratory peristaltic pump? Pry peristaltic pump manufacturers remind you that laboratory peristaltic pump to consider the following factors:

1. Size

The space in the laboratory is not large, so the volume of the peristaltic pump is relatively small, and it is easy to place, but it can not reduce its other functions.

2. Low noise design

The general laboratory peristaltic pump is a low noise design, because the laboratory environment is relatively quiet, in order to avoid affecting the work of staff.

3. Flow range and function

When choosing a peristaltic pump for the laboratory, pay attention to the flow range and flow control functions required in the experiment. Whether the touch screen is needed, whether the timing and quantitative function should be clear.

4. Peristaltic pump hose

The peristaltic pump consists of three parts: drive, peristaltic pump pump head and peristaltic pump hose. As an important part of liquid transmission, the hose must pay attention to the performance of peristaltic pump hose when selecting. If the liquid to be transported is corrosive.
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